5 Reasons to Appreciate People Who Create Technology

Speaking of missing the internet while camping, I am very grateful for internet, computers, etc.

Here are five reasons to appreciate those people who work hard to further technology:

  1. You wouldn’t be reading this if not for technology.  🙂   And I wouldn’t get to read all the blogs that I love—full of ideas, encouragement, beauty, etc.
  2. Connections made through online groups are sometimes lifelong, beautiful friendships.
  3. Email and other online stuff make it SO much easier to keep in touch with family and friends, and even keep up with prayer requests of others.
  4. For those of us who are homebound beyond our control, technology makes a real difference in connecting, finding fellowship, being able to accomplish some things, etc.
  5. The good news of Jesus is being spread through technology every day.

I don’t know who “invented” the internet or how many thousands of people’s work contributed, but I am thankful.


Christa Upton        Black Hills Picture Books            PO Box 293        Custer, SD   57730

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About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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