A Story of Kindness

One day, we got the kids all loaded into the car (ages 10, 6, and 3), I dropped Steve off at work, and the kids and I headed to an appointment (in our only car).

At the time, I was experiencing major fatigue from hidden mold and mold toxins in our house, but I didn’t realize it.  I thought the fatigue was only a side-effect from a medication I had been taking and had recently stopped.

We arrived at the office, and I struggled to get our three-year-old out of her car seat and into her wheelchair; (she was born with spina bifida).  I wearily pushed her wheelchair up the ramp, struggled with the front door, and came in.  We made our way to the waiting area, and our older kids began to play.  I can’t remember, but I probably tried to get out something interesting for our youngest child to look at or play with.

Then the person behind the desk called my name, but before I could get up, she told me my appointment was NEXT week.  I couldn’t believe it.  It didn’t surprise me that I had gotten confused about the date, but all that effort had been for nothing, and I would have to do it again next week.

Could she squeeze me in, I asked.

No, that really wasn’t going to work.

I’m sure the disappointment and weariness showed on my face.

But immediately, glancing at me and our daughter’s wheelchair, another client offered for me her appointment spot!  The person behind the desk started to protest, but the other client insisted I take her appointment, and then another person chimed in, saying they could come another day.

I cried.

It was over five years ago, and I still remember it like it was yesterday.  My eyes are tearing up even now at remembering this kindness from strangers.

People, don’t underestimate the impact your kindness can have on another human being.

“Love is patient, love is kind….”  I Corinthians 13:4a

Christa Upton      Black Hills Picture Books     PO Box 293        Custer, SD 57730

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About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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10 Responses to A Story of Kindness

  1. Katie Updike says:

    Precious story! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cathy Miller says:

    That made me cry to read your story. It reminds me of something that happened to me. My four children and I were at a second-hand store. I was looking for tennis shoes for one child and school clothes for several of them. I found a few things (no shoes) and the three of the kids found $.50 stuffed animals that they wanted to buy with their allowance. I went to check out; when I handed the cashier our debit card, she said I couldn’t use it because it had my husband’s name on it, not mine (therefore not matching my photo ID). I had used it there many times before, but she said it was a new policy. I didn’t have a checkbook with me; I didn’t know what to do. This store is 20 min. from our house, so I wasn’t going to run home and get something I could pay with. As I pondered for just a moment, the lady behind me in line said she’d pay for our stuff along with hers. I started to protest, but she insisted. It was only around $13 altogether, but I had been worrying about money, and I felt bad for the kids to pick something out and then they couldn’t get it (they didn’t have cash with them either)…I cried. Then the cashier said we were going to make her cry. A complete stranger showing us God’s love and kindness really blessed me that day (and still today!).

  3. Lisha says:

    Christa, this is a precious story. I love the way that the Lord shows us His tender kindness by moving on the hearts of others!

    One of my most treasured stories of kindness is from this past summer. Due to circumstances totally outside my control, my daughters and I were left without income for a time – and I went 4 months without being able to go to the grocery store because there was no money for food. But the Lord sent different people all summer, always providing enough for the day or a few days at a time. Nobody that came to our door knew of our circumstance – one lady was a complete stranger who simply told me that “someone told me you needed food” before she ran to her car before I could catch her name. Others would show up with homecooked dinners; sometimes we’d come home from church and find grocery bags on our doorstep. It was crazy. We did not go hungry for even one meal for 4 months. I was floored by how the Lord called each one of those dear ones to pitch in without them knowing anything except that they should answer the call.

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment! 🙂

    • Christa Upton says:

      Wow, that is AWESOME, and it gives me goosebumps to know that so many people listened to the Holy Spirit!!! Praise God for His provision; that is just so amazing and wonderful. Are you doing okay now? (Feel free to email me if you’d rather answer privately! 🙂 ) AMEN–the Lord does show His tender kindness by moving on the hearts of others!!!

      • Lisha says:

        We are, thank you! As I looked back and thought about what it was He wanted us to learn in that season, it was neat because my girls and I at that same time had just started a book on the life of George Muller – a man who took care of 10,000 orphans in England in the 1800’s simply by praying for his needs instead of fundraising, etc. My girls got to witness firsthand that the Lord that George Muller served is the same God we serve – mighty to answer and provide when we trust in Him alone. Those were sweet times for us, thought externally pressing – and it has made me infinitely thankful for the chance to go grocery shopping each week since. 🙂

        • Christa Upton says:

          That is REALLY AWESOME; praise God!!!! Hugs to you.

          (Sorry, I’m having trouble with my blog, and also don’t know how to make it tell me when comments come in so I just now saw yours. 🙂 )

          But, it was something I needed to hear today, so I think God had a timing in it. 🙂 What a joy to see again how, YES, we serve the same God, and we can trust in Him alone!!!

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