Yeah, yeah, I know it’s an old movie. But maybe there are some who haven’t seen it. (Spoiler alert, by the way. You might want to watch the movie before reading my post starting after the grades.)
And today I’d like to discuss something peculiar. But first, here is how I would “grade” the movie:
Characters: A
Plot: A
Dialogue: A+
Pace: A
Music: A+
Message: A+
Theology: A+
Acting: A- to A+
Setting: A
Artistic quality of camera work (although it really isn’t
meant to be an artistic movie like The Black Stallion): C
Humor: A+
Relevance & Impact: A+
Facing the Giants is a “happily ever after” movie. Some have accused it of portraying God as a genie or something.
My family & I have been through a good amount of suffering, trouble, and disappointments in the last seven years, especially the last five years.
Why is this movie STILL one of my favorites?
A major theme throughout the movie is being faithful to God no matter what happens. The greatest example is when Brooke makes a very clear statement that even if God never gives them children, she will still love Him. (Though personally I probably could not enjoy the movie if I were infertile and God had said “no” to me; it would be too painful.)
Other points:
- Many people are not willing to go through what this couple did (for long enough that it caused pain, fear, sorrow, and angst to this couple) and still trust God. In the middle of the movie is where they show their true faith. This inspires me.
- The emphasis of the movie is on trusting God regardless, not believing God for a certain thing. Even when Grant steps out in faith to do what he feels God called him to do, he is not certain of where it will lead.
- The guy in the wheelchair never gets healed. It is obvious that he is content and obedient to God in the circumstance in which God has allowed him to be at this current time.
- Even with a raise, Grant doesn’t make much money!
That does not say “genie God” to me.
- I relate to the scene where Brock does the “death crawl.” Very much.
- The movie ending could be seen as an allegory of heaven for ALL faithful believers.
I know not all people have the same taste, so maybe you won’t like it. But I love it.
Christa Upton Black Hills Picture Books PO Box 293 Custer, SD 57730
I prefer the “happily ever after” movies. I want to walk out of a theater feeling good.
Me, too!!! This one definitely does the job. 🙂