How I’m Treating my Mold Illness/Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

So, I can’t remember what I’ve written about my “treatments.”  Here they are.

Exercise—I’m up and doing things as soon and as much as I can; I’m really tired of being chair/bedridden.  Feels good to work my lungs.

Skin infection treating with white vinegar (topically).

Systemic candida treating with yogurt when I tolerate it and probiotic veggies.

Stomach issues treating additionally with raw cow’s milk.

Vitamin, mineral, etc. needs helped by:  canned clams (B12), fish (omega 3s), antioxidants (many colored fruits and veggies), coconut oil & olive oil (several benefits), and glutathione in spinach, asparagus, garlic, etc.

fruit 1

Sleep treating with occasional magnesium topically.

That’s it (unless I’m forgetting something), besides this extremely low-tox house and the fresh, country, dry (low mold count) air high on this hill.  Also staying home most of the time (for now) and practicing low-tox living.  So far, I cannot tolerate any meds or supplements.

A further word about diet:  everyone has an opinion on diets.  I do think specialty diets (like gluten free, Paleo) help some people.

Others have no choice due to extreme reactions to foods.

But I do not believe that “one diet fits all” regardless of “research” on diet for mold illness and the like.

This is because the human body is so complicated that it is nearly impossible to study complex dietary results effectively.

One cannot have a true “control” group, and the human body is affected by SO many factors besides diet that is it hard to sort them out.  Some factors are:  heredity, exercise, chemicals in the environment, illnesses, malfunctions of the body, stress, allergies.

Not having food intolerances myself, I feel the Mediterranean diet is sensible for many areas of health (fiber, balance, antioxidants, natural)  Over the years I have also listened to my body, and that seems to work well.

It seems organic makes a big difference.  I “lean” organic as much as possible while still doing well on some non-organic foods (especially peas, sweet potatoes, onions, and Romaine lettuce.  But do your own research and try to pay attention to how you feel.)

I avoid potatoes now, only because I don’t feel good after I eat them.  Regular potatoes are sprayed a lot; maybe this is why.  I may try organic potatoes again sometime.

For children in particular, that deserves its own post, but for now I will say this:   it appears that food problems in children are increasing because of more and more things that are going wrong with children’s bodies.  My advice is to look into this carefully before deeming a child “picky” or “stubborn.”  Some are, of course, but others may have stomach and related problems so that certain foods make them feel yucky.  Sometimes even children have instinct about this.

Overall, my feeling is don’t listen to the diet police, listen to your body.   🙂


Black Hills Picture Books    Edgemont, SD  57735

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About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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