- light
- love
- friends and family
- animals
- joy
- this house
- warmth
- indoor plumbing
- food
- God’s provision
- fresh air
- sunshine
- chocolate
- mountains
- youth group for kids
- homemade bread
- milk
- hot soup
- quilts
- encouragement
- online Bible studies
- sermon podcasts
- music
- colors
- computers
- clothes
- church
- house with no mold
- rainbows
- imagination
- good movies
- marriage
- online support groups
- football (okay I’m not really thankful for that, LOL but my husband is, and I like him to enjoy it)
- good books
- laughter
- good jokes
- heaven
- Jesus dying for my sins
- will see Dad in heaven again one day
Christa Upton Black Hills Picture Books Edgemont, SD 57735