Steve came up with this recipe. YUM. It was so pretty, too. But I forgot to get a picture. 🙁
Dad’s Simple Garden Pasta
- pasta (He used spaghetti, but you could use any kind. You could even use zucchini “noodles,” but in this case I would not pre-cook them before sauteing. Just add them in with the peppers.)
- butter
- garlic, minced (from your garden if you are able to have one 🙂 )
- sweet green pepper, diced
- Anaheim pepper (this is a mild hot pepper), diced
- salt and pepper, if desired
Use as much or little of each ingredient as you want. You can even add other veggies, although this is a really nice combination.
Cook pasta according to package directions. While pasta is cooking, melt butter in skillet.
Saute peppers in butter until beginning to get soft. Add garlic and saute until garlic is soft. Be careful not to burn garlic. Stir and turn heat down if it starts to get brown.
Add cooked pasta to skillet and “stir fry” a couple minutes until pasta has picked up flavor from the veggies. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve with a nice broiled fish or a venison roast or your favorite vegan protein.
Christa Upton Black Hills Picture Books Edgemont, SD 57735