The Contamination from Last Year

It is with another dose of humility and a sad feeling that we are once again asking for help. Humility because we would rather be self-sufficient; sad because people have already been so generous with us, and we hate to ask for more. Sad also because for some reason, God has allowed more difficulty in our life.

After almost a year of struggling with bad contamination of the house, it has become clear that we have not eliminated the contamination and Christa cannot heal with it still here. She has not been able to stand long enough to shower for a year because of weakness and exhaustion. Her pain levels have gotten high almost every day for a couple hours. Various other new symptoms which popped up with the contamination are not healing. She keeps showing signs of re-exposure.

Two things should impact this in a major way: trading in the contaminated car (for another 4WD, to handle the roads here in winter, have room for Sarah’s wheelchair, possibly even a disability vehicle for her long-term benefit), and building a separate office/laundry/decontamination building. .

A new, small building would allow Steve to stop working in the contaminated mudroom. He works from home, and there is no place inside the main house for him to work. If we could get laundry in there, it would be a huge asset to further protect the house from outside contaminants.

If you can help, please send checks marked Upton to our church:

Southern Hills E-Free Church
1509 University St
Hot Springs, SD 57747

I feel we should not be sad because God allowed it for a good reason, yet I know God understands when we find trials and suffering difficult. Job did too, but even after Job expressed extreme grief, sadness, and anger: “After the LORD had said these things to Job, he said to Eliphaz the Temanite, ‘I am angry with you and your two friends, because you have not spoken the truth about me, as my servant Job has….'” Job 42:7 We are sinners of course, but this particular trial by fire actually came because we obeyed God (long story). So we do not know if God means to restore us as He did Job, but we have to trust Him either way.

Steve & Christa Upton  Black Hills Picture Books   Edgemont, SD  57735

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About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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