A Tip for “Detox Diet”

If there is a food you feel you should add for helping detox, keep a jar handy and add it to “all things.”

For me right now it’s nuts. Nuts seem to be very high on the list of bindery foods helping me detox from insecticide. So I have a few jars, and nuts can go in/on: stir-frys, sweet and sour chicken, curries, casseroles, oatmeal, ice cream, 🙂 and more.

For you it might be dry oats, which can go in almost anything, including sprinkling a little on a sandwich. Put it on the bread (not on the tomato or ham lol) if you want to “disguise” the texture a little. If you toast dry oats in butter, they are good on wet things like ice cream or fruit salad, too.

Black Hills Picture Books Edgemont, SD 57735

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About Christa Upton

I am a wife and mother of three children ages 11, 14, and 18. I used to be a stay-at-home mom (teaching piano & dance, volunteering, etc). From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or MCS). MCS has had major impact on our family, but the forced time in bed has given me time to write. So far, I have published 4 children's books (2 in e-book format on Kindle, one in Print-on-Demand at CreateSpace, and one printed by a local printer). Sometimes I miss my old life, but I love writing for children!
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2 Responses to A Tip for “Detox Diet”

  1. Flax and chia seeds either in oatmeal or in water to drink (ground up really helps) is another great binder! 🙂

    • Christa Upton says:

      Oh, YES, so true!!! We used to grind up flax seeds when our youngest child was little and put them in her food/casseroles, too! 🙂

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