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From 2007 to 2010, I suffered accidental Toxic Injury (also called Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness). But, the forced time in bed has given me time to write. It has been such a blessing to work on my children's books and stories!-
Steve & Christa
I love: God, family & friends, outdoors, gardening, animals, writing, reading, photography, cooking, music, dance, bare feet, long skirts, lavender & yellow, and chocolate.
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Category Archives: chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
CFS–Masking and Unmasking
Many people with CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) have found we also have numerous troubles with toxins and toxicants. In fact, many find the very root of our CFS is mold. Some find that chemicals have a big effect, too. With … Continue reading
Excellent Guest Post on Feeling Abandoned
I love what chronic illness writer Kayle Buchanan has written: I know not everyone is a person of faith, but for those of you that are… I needed this reminder this week. I hope you find it an encouragement. Job … Continue reading
Now I Know Why
April 2010 we left the mold house. My Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and mold sensitivity and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) were all extremely severe. But by August 2010 we had made it to better air in the Black Hills of South … Continue reading
The Contamination from Last Year
It is with another dose of humility and a sad feeling that we are once again asking for help. Humility because we would rather be self-sufficient; sad because people have already been so generous with us, and we hate to … Continue reading
2 Great Resources for Chemical Sensitivity
Three years after I started to become noticeably chemically sensitive, I read the book Amputated Lives, by Alison Johnson. Then I began to understand chemical sensitivity much more. The information is helpful; the stories are compelling. Just this year, … Continue reading
Taking Care of Yourself but Still Inexplicably Sick?
Do you work hard to take care of yourself? Eat organic with lots of fresh produce, avoid using fabric softener and other chemicals in the home, emphasize home remedies over pharmaceuticals, exercise when not too tired, try to sleep enough…and you are … Continue reading
CFS and Energy
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a condition marked by extreme energy problems and Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM). I am fascinated by this short 4-minute-and-40-second video because it begins to explain the physical processes that are going wrong in someone with CFS. But … Continue reading
Why I Will Now Refer to my Illness as CFS
My illness has so many components to it, with so many pieces of various illnesses with various names, like FM, IBS, EI, MCS, CIRS, it is ridiculous. With all the acronyms that fit me, I could make an alphabet soup. … Continue reading