Low-Tox House

Our new book was released October 22, 2016! You do not need a special device to read it in digital version; the Kindle app is available for free download on laptops, phones, etc.  Both print and digital are available here:  Building a House for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

MCS book cover






Video Tour–Overview of the House:

Video on low-chemical tiling:

Video on plastering walls:

This is the plaster we used for the above video:  Structo-Lite Plaster

Please always check materials for personal tolerance.  Please also check materials for ingredient changes especially antimicrobial chemicals being added. 

Floor plans:  Printable Floor Plans












Related Images:

14 Responses to Low-Tox House

  1. Pingback: Low-Tox House Construction Materials Summary | Black Hills Picture Books

  2. Dianna says:

    Hi Christa
    Will there be a version of the book coming out in print?



    • Christa Upton says:

      Great question, Dianna!

      Well, I changed my mind! I’ve been doing that a lot with different things lately. LOL

      It seems the expense for print book is not nearly as bad as I thought! So, yes, we are now planning a print version.

      Plus, about half my photos passed the “quality test” with no modification!! 🙂 There is no guarantee until I see the actual printed proof, but I am going to try.

      I HOPE this will be available for sale in a month or so, around mid-December. It will be glossy, paperback, full color, around 8 1/2 X 11. I want people to be able to see the photos. Not sure on price until I complete the set-up on CreateSpace.

      I will blog when it’s done.

      Thank you so much for your interest, Dianna!!!

  3. Christa Upton says:

    Print version of the book: https://www.createspace.com/6719437

  4. bel says:

    great book, thanks for passing on so much helpful info

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  6. Deanna Tuinhof says:

    Hello Christa,
    Thanks for all the information, it was very helpful. I am trying to source the organic cotton barrier cloth you referenced for your bed. The link you provided isn’t working. Do you have another contact means?

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  8. AmyinAmerica says:

    Thank you for all of your information! Can you all recommend a “safe” kind of caulk?

    Thank you!

    • Christa Upton says:

      We used (ironically named) Chemlink. This is because we could not find any other caulk with NO added antimicrobial chemicals. However, companies change ingredients ALL the time, so you’d need to check.

      A true, natural alternative is beeswax, but it probably won’t work for all applications.

  9. Sheila LaFleur says:

    Hi Christa, I hope you are doing better after your surgery. I was reading your book-in the book the sheeps wool is in the walls before you plaster- in this video it seems theres no insulation the wall- can you please explain?

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